Nestled in the woods down an unsuspecting drive in rural Penns Creek, PA is a special place like no other. Operated by four families with a passion for rescuing animals, you would never guess that in this little bit of woods live Lions, Tigers, and Bears. {Oh, my!} And monkeys, deer, goats, wolves, and cougars and… I could go on & on.
Family Fun at T&D’s Cats of the World
So, why on Earth are a bunch of bears and big cats living in little Penns Creek? It turns out that there are many foolish people who think they can keep wild animals as pets! Can you imagine trying to get a black bear to walk on a leash?
This bear, when confiscated by the State and brought to T&D’s Cats, was found chained to a tree. Although she is in a small enclosure to greet visitors, she & her pal now have lots of safe space to run and play. After wild animals are kept as pets, they can no longer return to the wild.

Over 200 abused, mistreated, or unwanted animals call T&D’s Cats of the World their home and it’s 100% privately funded.
We are the hope. We open our hearts to the unwanted and mistreated. We care for those who can not care for themselves. We speak for those who can not form words. We educate in an effort to prevent more pain and suffering. We help people see that the animals are not to blame. They are the victims of ignorance and greed. We take all that animals we can, but their needs and numbers continue to overwhelm us. It if wasn’t for the help of caring individuals, we could never keep up with the demand for our assistance. Although we get no government funds or business sponsorships, individuals aid our cause by donating food, building materials, and funds. If you or someone you know wishes to help give hope, please contact us.

A visit to T&D’s Cats is an educational experience and you can feel good about the admission price for two reasons: it’s affordable & goes directly to the care of the animals you’ll visit. Ready to count the whiskers on a tiger?
Admission Fee:
Adults $10
Children {age 3-12} $5
Hours vary, visit their website for times & dates.[/et_pb_text][/et_pb_column][/et_pb_row][/et_pb_section]